Scientific Name : Cactaceae Other Name : Cacti, cactuses Family : Cactaceae Other Info : Cactus plants are typically associated with desert climates, but both cacti and succulents make excellent landscaping plants nearly anywhere. You can even grow cactus indoors in containers. These plants require little maintenance and are easy to grow.Light - Cactus are in shade, turn them around and towards the light every now and then to maintain even growth. If you notice elongated growth, your plants need to be placed in a position with more light.
Water When watering, give them plenty of water.
Soil Prefer well-drained soil. The best is a mix of two parts compost, one part red soil, and half part sand.
Fertilizer - You do not need a lot of fertilizing.
Cactus Catalog
We can supply and export high qualities of Cactus. Please select the varieties of Cactus below and send us your order list to: